Pump Up Your Lawn With These 5 Spring Gardening Tips!

Spring is almost here, and with it comes the task of getting your garden in order. Making your preparations early will bring benefits all year round, so bid winter a short goodbye as you take out your garden tools and tend to the soil! If it’s your first time to do some gardening, don’t worry! To make your work easier, we’ve compiled some tips you can start from. 1. Prepare your lawn. Winter can leave a lot of debris on your lawn, so the first step you should do is to clean up. Remove broken branches, leaves and rubble. It’s important to do the clearing early to enable grass to grow, as extra clutter would keep the light and air off the soil. 2. Choose the best place. Sunshine is important to plants, so make sure to find an area that would keep them well-lighted. Choosing a spot close to your house is also a factor that could influence how well you can pay attention to your garden. While you choose the perfect spot, you can start with soil preparation. Gen...