
Showing posts from December, 2019

Holiday Party Tips for Fire-Free Celebrations in Savannah, Georgia

Whilst Holiday time is a period of festivity and celebration, it’s also a time to be more vigilant regarding fire safety. Tragedies resulting from fires increase with your decorative items and cooking preparations. The Holiday season is typically ripe  with damage and fatalities  caused by fires. When this happens,  ServiceMaster of Savannah  is here; we are a  fire damage restoration company in Savannah   offering you  fire damage restoration services in Savannah . When you need   fire damage restoration in Savannah , we are always here ready to help. Our goal is to provide a wide variety of  fire damage repair in Savannah  for our residential and business owner customers who have properties in Savannah, Georgia or surrounding areas. Whether your damage is extensive or more localized, we have the experience, tools, and equipment to offer restoration to your property and peace of mind. Read on for  Holiday party tips f...

Prepare Your Home this Holiday Season with ServiceMaster of Savannah

Home preparation for the holiday season can be a bit stressful and exciting at the same time. Prepare days or weeks ahead for the awaited holiday in Savannah, Georgia. You don’t pull apart junk drawers on the day before guests arrive. Instead, decluttering your home weeks before is a tip t o  consider. It  t akes away unnecessary anxieties and is sure to give you peace of mind. Start from the guest rooms and public areas for the guests benefit. Only leave the essentials in the living room, dining room, kitchen, foyer, and den.  You can try the minimalist approach to things this time around. Unnecessary things on coffee tables, countertops, and ottomans should disappear. If you are running out of time, pack up your clutter and hide it somewhere invisible – in basements, closets, and even on car trunks. It may sound funny, but that happens. Arrange them properly when your guests depart. Carpets get dirty for many reasons, and you may need to clean them b...