7 Tips to Keep Your Immune System Healthy

A healthy immune system can defeat invading viruses that can cause colds, flu, and other pathogenic diseases. Researchers are time and again looking into the effects of specific lifestyle improvements or changes in boosting the immune system. For now, following general healthy living guidelines is a good start in keeping your immune system secure. Read on for tips on how you can keep your immune system healthy. Wash your hands You use your hands for many types of activities every day, and they come in contact with various objects, both clean and dirty. The filthiest objects that most people come in contact with daily are money, bags, ATM keypads, the supermarket cart, and the mobile phone. You also touch your mouth, nose, and eyes many times during the day. Hands mostly spread illness-causing germs. Hand hygiene is crucial throughout the day to avoid spreading diseases. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies Fruits and vegetables have the nutrients that yo...