Preparing For a Hurricane: Before, During, and After the Hurricane in Savannah, GA

Hurricanes can destroy the lives of homeowners and business owners when it damages their homes or properties. That’s why being prepared can help you, your family or your business minimize the impact of the storm or hurricane. The best way is to start before the hurricane threat starts to brew. Here's what you need to know in preparing for the worst to come. Things to Prepare before Hurricane Emergency Contact Numbers Write down emergency phone numbers and keep them somewhere where you can easily see it like on the refrigerator or near every phone in your house. Program them in your mobile phone, too. Emergency Supplies Gather and prepare an emergency supply kit such as food, water, medicines, and emergency power sources. These will come handy at these times. For Pet owners Pre-identify shelters, a pet-friendly hotel (if there’s one near you), or an out-of-town friend or relative where you can take your pets in an evacuation if needed. Local anim...