Tornado Warning Signs in Savannah, Georgia

Natural disasters happen in an instant, but there are often signals that something is about to occur. For instance, there are a variety of signs that signal an incoming tornado. Knowledge about these warning signs are crucial, as they mean the difference between life and death. Whether you are in an area prone to tornadoes or not, read these warning signs to avoid danger and keep your family safe. ServiceMaster of Savannah has compiled them for you. Sign No. 1: Dark, Green Sky A green-tinted sky or dark clouds on the horizon could be a sign of an approaching tornado. This green sky effect happens when a thick cloud composed of ice particles and water droplets meet with a setting sun. Green skies and dark clouds, however, do not guarantee the development of tornadoes, but severe weather, such as hail, heavy rain and tornadoes, is possible. It's best to stay alert if these signs are observed. Sign No. 2: Funnelshaped Cloud The most obvious sign of an incoming torn...